This Blog is for the reviewing of Paranormal related website of all sorts. Including: Investigation Group, Online Stores, Online Resources, Podcasts, Blogs, Web Radio, Services, Discussion Forums & Personal pages. If you would like to be reviewed or suggest a site for review just drop me a comment. All reviewed sites will also be listed at The idea is to promote the Paranormal Community as a whole.

Friday, February 29, 2008


Review No.50 and I'm serving up LOADED PARANORMAL! This site is not a romantic meal for two its more of a quick burger from McDonalds. I'm not sure what to make of it to be honest, it kinda reminds me of an 80's Space Invaders Arcade game?

Its definately in its early stages with a couple of dozen members and not much on the content side of things - not really a site I'd visit again unless I got a heads up that things had changed. I hope I come across it again in 6 months or so and find it has calmed down on the graphics and has grown into an interesting and booming site.

For now though this site lacks any reason for me to check back on a daily basis.



Anonymous said...

Wow... that site was something else! The auto play talking is most annoying. The template has good bones, but I agree that they need to tone down the animation. I found you during a search and read a few of your reviews and agree with most of what you've said. Great idea for a blog.

Anonymous said...


I have a paraNormal lens on - it is highly rated out of 400K sites. What I provide on the lens are prescreened daily links into anomalies and also feature my blog

Anyway, I'd love to have my site reviewed on your blog. thanks
Rick Phillips

Anonymous said...

Well to me I like Art Bell, and the site itself is pretty refreshing with lots of cool stuff.
Its got a ton of categoies and isnt weighed down to one primary focus.
Oh and Luna, I stopped by your site as well...and it took 8 seconds for it to load, so perhaps people in glass houses shouldnt throw stones